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Excel 2010 Training - Beginner to Advanced
Introducing Excel 2010
Welcome to Excel 2010 (1:25)
Starting Excel 2010 (2:55)
Understanding the new Excel 2010 screen layout (8:54)
Introducing the new File tab and Backstage View (14:47)
Introducing the new Microsoft Office file format (4:49)
Excel 2010 Basics
Creating and saving a new workbook (4:39)
Working with the Format Painter (3:14)
Opening an existing workbook (1:35)
Creating a new workbook from a template (5:01)
Saving a workbook as a template (3:41)
Understanding the Number Group commands (6:32)
Opening a workbook using different options (5:25)
Using SAVE AS to create a new workbook (1:30)
Saving an Excel 2010 workbook in Excel 2003 format (2:28)
Saving a workbook as a PDF file (2:33)
Saving a workbook in web page format (HTML) (3:50)
Printing workbooks (4:30)
Understanding text versus numeric cell entries (5:39)
Introducing the Quick Access Toolbar (6:43)
How to minimise the Office Ribbon (2:40)
Navigating the Office Ribbon using the keyboard (3:45)
Navigating around worksheets using the keyboard (5:18)
Managing worksheets (4:17)
Introducing the Mini Toolbar (3:37)
Getting to know the Formula Bar (5:35)
How to select cells in different ways (4:49)
Resizing rows and columns (2:13)
Using AutoCorrect (2:51)
Using AutoComplete (2:24)
Using AutoFill (6:49)
Inserting and deleting cells, rows and columns (3:25)
A closer look at Cut, Copy and Paste (7:34)
Understanding Excel Operators (5:46)
A refresher course in the Order of Operations - BODMAS (4:46)
Multi-User editing using the new Office Web Apps (3:50)
Controlling Information and Worksheets
Getting the most from the Office Clipboard (7:42)
Understanding the Font Group commands (5:03)
Understanding the Alignment Group commands (2:43)
Merging cells and wrapping text entries (4:56)
Introducing Conditional Formatting (9:08)
Working with Table Styles (5:14)
Table Style formatting options (5:21)
Working with Cell Styles (5:16)
Introducing Sparklines (8:49)
Adjusting rows and columns using the Office Ribbon (4:36)
How to Hide and Unhide rows, columns and worksheets (3:25)
Managing worksheets using the Office Ribbon (1:38)
Removing cell contents and formatting (3:24)
Sorting and filtering information (6:01)
Using the Find and Replace tools (7:57)
Using the Select Objects tool (2:50)
Working with the Selection Pane (4:08)
Inserting Objects into Excel 2010 Worksheets
Inserting a picture into a worksheet (13:46)
Working with the new picture editing tools (4:19)
Inserting and working with ClipArt (5:54)
Inserting and working with Shapes (6:50)
Introducing SmartArt Graphics (6:20)
Introducing the new Screenshot tool (4:31)
Using different types of Hyperlinks (7:27)
Working with Text Boxes (5:05)
Inserting Headers and Footers in worksheets (5:42)
Working with WordArt (5:52)
Inserting Equations and Symbols (3:43)
Organising Worksheets and Workbooks
Utilising Office Themes (3:37)
Adjusting Page Margins and Orientation (4:32)
Changing the Page Size and Print Area (5:05)
Working with Page Breaks (3:50)
How to add a worksheet background (1:19)
Adding column and row headings to reports (2:46)
Using Gridline and Heading options (2:23)
Working with different Excel views (5:27)
Working with the Show and Zoom commands (2:17)
Managing multiple workbook windows (4:40)
Freezing rows and columns (6:11)
Comparing workbooks side by side (2:57)
Using the Spelling Checker and other proofing tools (8:36)
Inserting and managing worksheet Comments (4:10)
Excel Security
How to protect worksheets (3:40)
How to protect workbooks (3:37)
Sharing workbooks to allow multi-user editing (10:20)
Protecting workbooks by using Mark As Final (2:47)
How to password protect your workbooks (2:59)
Another way to protect worksheets and workbooks (1:49)
Information Rights Management and Digital Signatures (2:17)
Using the Document Inspector (3:09)
Using the Accessibility Checker (2:53)
Understanding the new Protected View feature (3:11)
Working with Charts
How to insert a chart (4:13)
Chart basics (3:20)
Modifying the chart design (6:32)
Modifying the chart layout (9:41)
Chart formatting options (6:35)
Chart formatting summary and tips (2:19)
Changing the default chart type (1:30)
Inserting a chart quickly using the keyboard (2:09)
Creating and reusing chart templates (3:06)
Advanced data selection techniques (2:26)
Recording a basic macro (8:46)
Saving a macro enabled workbook (2:00)
Macro security settings (4:01)
Absolute versus Relative Referencing (3:49)
Assigning a macro to a button (4:41)
Adding a macro to the Quick Access Toolbar (2:22)
Editing a macro (8:53)
Debugging a macro (5:36)
Enabling the Developer Tab (2:08)
Pivot Tables
Introducing Pivot Tables (5:05)
A quick look around the Pivot Table page (1:30)
Adding data to Pivot Tables (4:59)
Removing and customising report data (2:17)
Formatting Pivot Table information (3:51)
Sorting and filtering data (6:28)
Working with Report Filters (4:08)
Customising the Pivot Table screen layout (4:25)
Basic Pivot Table options (3:45)
Working with Report Filter page options (4:25)
Pivot Table configuration options (11:26)
Drilling down into Pivot Table data (1:32)
Data calculation options (3:32)
Grouping Pivot Table data (5:30)
Grouping options relating to date information (5:15)
Refreshing and modifying source data options (5:07)
How to move a Pivot Table (6:49)
Inserting a Pivot Chart (4:12)
How to create a Calculated Field (4:05)
Introducing the new Slicer Tool (6:05)
Working with Pivot Table styles (2:19)
How to insert a Pivot Chart from the Office Ribbon (6:38)
Formulas and Functions
Introducing formulas and functions (7:37)
Function and formula basics (5:28)
How to use the SUM function (4:59)
Understanding Absolute and Relative Cell Referencing (3:15)
How to use the CONCATENATE function (2:19)
How to use the SUMIF function (4:49)
How to use the VLOOKUP function (4:45)
How to use the TRIM function (3:47)
How to use the RANDBETWEEN function (3:03)
How to use the COUNTIF function (6:12)
How to use the PMT function (3:06)
More Advanced Topics
Introducing the Excel Name Manager (5:44)
Navigating the Name Manager (2:52)
Using and managing named cells and ranges (3:48)
Formula auditing tools (3:43)
Error checking tools for formulas (1:06)
Evaluating formulas (1:16)
Using the Watch Window (2:06)
Excel calculation options (1:46)
Importing an Access database (2:50)
Importing data from a CSV file (2:53)
Splitting out text into multiple columns (1:31)
Removing duplicated information (1:35)
Understanding the different types of data validation (6:44)
Using the Consolidation tool (7:29)
Using the Goal Seek tool (1:58)
Grouping and ungrouping data (3:30)
Automatically generating subtotal information (3:53)
Thank you (0:51)
z1-ExcelOperators (5:46)
z2-OrderOfOperations (4:46)
z-MultiUserEditing (3:50)
Adding data to Pivot Tables
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